Sunday, December 2, 2012

War on Salt

Can anybody tell me what happens to that good old pretzel, hotdog, butter biscuit, popcorn with extra butter or frozen dinner, once we consumed it. Have we indulged with our eyes and hands but forgot the effect it has on the temple (body). We are all guilty in that we go for the things that taste and we definitely don't read the labels for nutritional facts.

We consume sodium (salt) on a daily basis which can be a good thing or bad. We should pay very close attention to the amount of sodium we consume. Our bodies need a certain amount of salt daily, between 180mg-500mg.

Many African Americans suffer with high blood pressure. Looking at this specific population the average daily sodium intake for those age 2-60 is 1,333436mg. Restaurant and processed foods are a major contributor to the high rates of high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. They have caused nearly 400,000 deaths each year. But many people love salt.

This is 75% of our daily salt intake. We also should drink plenty of water. As believers we must pray and eat right everyday; taking the proper vitamins and prescribed medications from the doctor. As it is often said " If you take one step God will take two". Make sure you get to where you need to be in your daily christian walk by being healthy.

Facts on Salt:

1. Most sodium is consumed in the form of sodium chloride which is table salt. Other forms of sodium are also found in food, so watch out for salt and sodium.

2. Try to have less than 2,400 milligrams of sodium a day-- that's the same as 6 grams of salt a day or about 1 teaspoon.

3. That includes ALL sodium and salt-- what's in the product, and added in cooking and at the table.

4. Processed foods account for most of the sodium and salt consumed.

5. Check food labels--sodium is in some foods you might not expect, such as soy sauce and some antacids.

6. Kosher salt and sea salt are just that--salt. Don't forget to include them in adding up your sodium intake for the day.

7. No Sodium=less than 5mg per serving day

Low Sodium=140mg or less per serving day

See the idea of watching salt intake into our bodies is not suffering with water retention. Drinking lots of water will actually help fluid retention.

From Sister Chef

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?   Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies   

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?

Sugar-Free Soda Dangers Were Unknown 50 Years Ago

I grew up drinking soft drinks. They were easy to transport and our major source of liquids on hot, summery Northern California days. My grandparents allowed my mother to drink a soda right before bed and now my mom suffers from obesity and severe tooth damage. We weren't allowed to drink soft drinks before bed (thank goodness!), but I don't remember much restriction. As a teenager, I never had any problems with my weight, but I have had a lot of dental work.

As I aged weight definitely became more of an issue and sodas are an everyday part of life, so I thought.

There is a lot of research on overweight and obese people consuming soda. Research has also shown that drinking soda with artificial sweeteners can affect how you perceive calories and within a day you may ingest more calories than if you drank regular soda. Sadly, my mom drinks diet soda daily and she is in this category.

Two Studies Showing Diet Soda Dangers

A study presented to the American Diabetes Association shows that drinking sugar-free soda is associated with a wider waist in humans. A second study shows that an artificial sweetener in diet soda actually raises blood sugar in mice prone to diabetes.

In the first study, the height, weight, waist measurement and diet soda consumption was measured for elderly people in San Antonio. After 9 1/2 years, the diet soda drinkers had a waist measurement 70% greater than the regular soda drinkers. And people who drank the most diet soda, at least 2 cans a day, had waist measurements 500% greater than those who didn't drink any diet soda.

The mice didn't fare any better in the second study. After 3 months of adding aspartame to the diabetes-prone mice, they had higher glucose-blood readings than the mice not fed aspartame.

Aspartame, a Component of Diet Soda Dangers

Aspartame was discovered in 1965 by a scientist trying to make a new ulcer drug, and approved in 1981 for use as a sweetener. Aspartame is 160 - 200 times sweeter than sugar. Dr. Robert Walton surveyed the studies of aspartame. He states that of the 166 relevant studies, 74 had aspartame related funding and 92 were independently funded. One hundred percent of the research performed by the company who makes aspartame confirmed aspartame's safety, whereas 92% of the independently funded research found problems with consuming aspartame. H.J. Roberts, MD, reports that by 1998, aspartame products were the cause of 80% of complaints to the FDA about food additives. Some of these symptoms include headache, dizziness, cramps, seizures, memory loss, and fatigue. While the FDA has assured us that the research does not show any adverse health complications from aspartame, there are studies to the contrary.

Another Component In Diet Soda Dangers

Another problem is the possibility of leaching calcium from the bones due to the carbonation in sodas. A rise in calcium deficiencies and bone fractures has been linked to soft drink consumption in girls and leaves them at risk for broken bones and osteoporosis later in life. Phosphoric acid can link to calcium and magnesium, reports Arizona Advanced Medicine, depleting these vital minerals.

It's a three step process: *

1. The carbonation irritates the stomach. 2. The stomach "fixes" the irritation with calcium (an antacid) 3. The blood pulls calcium from the bone to replenish calcium levels.

Diet Soda Dangers, Really Are Bad For You

If you can't stop drinking diet soda altogether, try small changes. Quit drinking diet sodas for 3 days, then a week.

Drink lots of water. Take your weight and divide by 2. The result is the amount of water you should be drinking every day. If you are 180 pounds, you would drink 90 ounces of water daily. If you are not used to drinking plain water, you could add a squeeze of fresh lemon for flavor.

Realize that sodas are addictive. Check the ingredient list in jams, salad dressings, yogurt, breath mints for aspartame or other artificial sweeteners. Minimize the portion size or completely omit those foods. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables instead. After a month of eliminating sodas and artificial sweeteners you should be feeling better and find it easy to resist their attraction. Definitely, Diet Sodas are dangerous and harmful to your health.

* Mind Connection - Dr. Mercola

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?   Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies   

Maintaining A Healthy Diet While At Work

One of the problems that many of us face when we work for a living is the fact that it can be quite difficult to eat healthily through the day. As a matter of fact, we may find that we are simply grabbing something as quick as possible from vending machines or candy machines that may be at our place of business. Quite obviously, this is not going to result in our having the optimum health that we would desire and it can actually cause problems in the long run that are difficult to control. That being said, what are some of the things that you can do to ensure that you are eating as healthy as possible when you are stuck at work?

One of the more obvious points to eating healthy is the fact that you must be prepared in advance. If you are leaving everything to chance, it is likely that you are going to be hitting one of the candy machines in your office at sometime during the day. This can be disastrous for your waistline, as well as your overall health. If you plan in advance, on the other hand, and bring yourself some food that is healthier than what comes out of the vending machines at work, you will be in a better position. What are some of the options that are open to you?

Some people find that it is very beneficial to do all of their cooking on one or two days every week. If you cook on the weekend, it is often possible for you to cook enough that you will be good for the majority of the week. Having the food prepared in advance and even distributed in smaller Tupperware containers will make it easy for you to grab a pre-prepared lunch and take it with you in the morning. This will help you to avoid the fast food restaurants and the other unhealthy options that are available to you in the work environment.

Another thing that you are going to need in order to be successful with eating healthy is proper motivation. When you are first starting some type of a healthy eating regime, it can be very difficult to stick with it for the long run. As a matter of fact, it is often estimated that you have to go at least 21 days without a particular food or type of food before it becomes a habit. If you are able to stick with it for that long, you may just find that you are able to avoid it for the rest of your life.

One final thing that you should consider is the fact that being healthy is not just a matter of eating healthy. Exercise and getting plenty of rest are also going to play key parts in being healthy at work and in your home environment. Get outside and get some fresh air when possible and if all you can do is walk, by all means go for a walk. The more you spend time exercising, the less you will have a problem with your health.

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?   Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies   

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?

Sugar-Free Soda Dangers Were Unknown 50 Years Ago

I grew up drinking soft drinks. They were easy to transport and our major source of liquids on hot, summery Northern California days. My grandparents allowed my mother to drink a soda right before bed and now my mom suffers from obesity and severe tooth damage. We weren't allowed to drink soft drinks before bed (thank goodness!), but I don't remember much restriction. As a teenager, I never had any problems with my weight, but I have had a lot of dental work.

As I aged weight definitely became more of an issue and sodas are an everyday part of life, so I thought.

There is a lot of research on overweight and obese people consuming soda. Research has also shown that drinking soda with artificial sweeteners can affect how you perceive calories and within a day you may ingest more calories than if you drank regular soda. Sadly, my mom drinks diet soda daily and she is in this category.

Two Studies Showing Diet Soda Dangers

A study presented to the American Diabetes Association shows that drinking sugar-free soda is associated with a wider waist in humans. A second study shows that an artificial sweetener in diet soda actually raises blood sugar in mice prone to diabetes.

In the first study, the height, weight, waist measurement and diet soda consumption was measured for elderly people in San Antonio. After 9 1/2 years, the diet soda drinkers had a waist measurement 70% greater than the regular soda drinkers. And people who drank the most diet soda, at least 2 cans a day, had waist measurements 500% greater than those who didn't drink any diet soda.

The mice didn't fare any better in the second study. After 3 months of adding aspartame to the diabetes-prone mice, they had higher glucose-blood readings than the mice not fed aspartame.

Aspartame, a Component of Diet Soda Dangers

Aspartame was discovered in 1965 by a scientist trying to make a new ulcer drug, and approved in 1981 for use as a sweetener. Aspartame is 160 - 200 times sweeter than sugar. Dr. Robert Walton surveyed the studies of aspartame. He states that of the 166 relevant studies, 74 had aspartame related funding and 92 were independently funded. One hundred percent of the research performed by the company who makes aspartame confirmed aspartame's safety, whereas 92% of the independently funded research found problems with consuming aspartame. H.J. Roberts, MD, reports that by 1998, aspartame products were the cause of 80% of complaints to the FDA about food additives. Some of these symptoms include headache, dizziness, cramps, seizures, memory loss, and fatigue. While the FDA has assured us that the research does not show any adverse health complications from aspartame, there are studies to the contrary.

Another Component In Diet Soda Dangers

Another problem is the possibility of leaching calcium from the bones due to the carbonation in sodas. A rise in calcium deficiencies and bone fractures has been linked to soft drink consumption in girls and leaves them at risk for broken bones and osteoporosis later in life. Phosphoric acid can link to calcium and magnesium, reports Arizona Advanced Medicine, depleting these vital minerals.

It's a three step process: *

1. The carbonation irritates the stomach. 2. The stomach "fixes" the irritation with calcium (an antacid) 3. The blood pulls calcium from the bone to replenish calcium levels.

Diet Soda Dangers, Really Are Bad For You

If you can't stop drinking diet soda altogether, try small changes. Quit drinking diet sodas for 3 days, then a week.

Drink lots of water. Take your weight and divide by 2. The result is the amount of water you should be drinking every day. If you are 180 pounds, you would drink 90 ounces of water daily. If you are not used to drinking plain water, you could add a squeeze of fresh lemon for flavor.

Realize that sodas are addictive. Check the ingredient list in jams, salad dressings, yogurt, breath mints for aspartame or other artificial sweeteners. Minimize the portion size or completely omit those foods. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables instead. After a month of eliminating sodas and artificial sweeteners you should be feeling better and find it easy to resist their attraction. Definitely, Diet Sodas are dangerous and harmful to your health.

* Mind Connection - Dr. Mercola

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?   Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies   

Good Low Carb Foods

Many people don't begin a low carb diet, or don't stay with it, simply because they can't find tasty choices that are also low in carbohydrates. Actually, there are many foods that can be used for meals, in recipes or for snacks, when you're trying to maintain a diet that is low in carbs. Consuming a variety of foods that are naturally low in carbohydrates will allow you to eat a healthy diet that's tasty and also good for you.

Everyone is unique, and the same foods won't work for everyone, but there are foods that are very popular on low carb diets, and you can tailor your recipes to suit your tastes. Fish is a popular staple on low carb diets. But you don't need to restrict yourself to just the well-known types. There are many good low carbohydrate foods, and fresh fish are a healthy part of your low carb diet that you should eat at least several times a week. The best fish for your diet may include orange roughy, Alaskan halibut, trout, wild caught salmon, sea bass, cod and mackerel. Shellfish are healthy low carb choices that are full of taste, too. They include scallops, crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and lobster.

Eggs and egg whites can be included as breakfast essentials or as ingredients in other meals. Free range eggs are often preferred in low carb diets. You're not limited to chicken eggs, either. You might wish to try quail or duck eggs, to keep your diet alive and different from one day to the next.

Red meat is an important staple in low carbohydrate diets, because it allows you to get enough protein for a healthy diet. Lamb is a good choice, as is venison or deer meat. Cattle that have been grass-fed will be a positive choice, as will buffalo or bison meat, as long as the animals were not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.

Poultry can be included in many low carbohydrate recipes, to make them tasty. Consume only poultry that was never treated with antibiotics or hormones. Some of the most popular poultry choices are chicken, duck, goose and turkey. Wild bird meat is also on the list of good low carb foods that provide quality low carbohydrate recipe mainstays, so add pheasant, wild turkey and quail to your list.

You should include vegetables and fruits in any diet, too, so that you reap the rewards of their many vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables that are not starchy are the best for your diet, including collard greens and spinach. Good tasting vegetables to use for recipes and healthy snacks or salads include Romaine lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, turnip greens and celery. You can also add cabbage, zucchini, cilantro and mustard greens. Vegetable leaves and stems can help you to prepare healthy salads that are low in carbohydrates.

Fresh fruits are good choices, as parts of recipes or as snacks. Include fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and deduct any carb count from your allowance for each day. These do contain sugar and carbs, so they should be enjoyed sparingly.

Oils add omega fatty acids to your diet, so use them as desired in your recipes. Some of the best choices are extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed and canola oils. By using all these different good low carb foods, you can add good taste to your low carb, heart healthy diet.

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?   Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies   

Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies

Smoothies are not only healthy but also delicious. The amount of minerals they consist of enchanted us. You can drink it without feeling guilty about this short moment of pleasure. How could you resist such a perfect drink?

One Fruit to Rule Them All

I've been questioned about this stuff time after time -- what is the best fruit to put into a smoothie? Is there such a fruit, which must always be included in smoothies we make?

I have to let you down, however -- there is no such thing. All of the fruits were made almost equal, some have more vitamins, other have more enzymes, but there aren't any better fruits or worse. It all comes down to your taste and your preferences. Just remember, that when you want to identify how nutritious a fruit is, everything depends upon how it is prepared. Here comes a description of the most famous fruits that are used to create smoothies.

The Most Famous Fruits

I reckon that no fruit's as popular as oranges. Oranges are not only the most favored fruit, but they're also amongst the most cherished ones. The truth is that they are both healthy and delightful. Oranges are full of magnesium, which is a chemical element that can help our organism sustain normal blood pressure. Therefore it's among the most healthy fruits in existence.

When conversing about delicious and famous fruits, strawberries need not to be forgotten. It would be a disgrace to leave them out not just because of their delightful taste, but additionally because they are equally nutritious as oranges. Strawberries are jam-packed with riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is accountable for body growth (crucial for children). This fruit is additionally really light and very delicious -- sweet and delicate.

As you probably know, bananas can easily be made into a smoothie and taken as is. However, the real reason why we like smoothies so much is because their taste is more complex. Bananas are very useful while preparing smoothies, because they add the extra thickness to the drink. In case you prefer your smoothie sweet, incorporating bananas may help you achieve that. Also, bananas contain tryptophan, a substance which makes people happier compared to what they usually are.

To Sum Up

What you should bear in mind at all times is that the beauty of a smoothie lies in its simplicity. If you try mixing up too many fruits, chances are you'll end up with a smoothie that is not only very complex, but also absolutely inedible. Each of the mentioned three fruits is a perfect base for a delightful, smart smoothie.

To make things interesting, don't settle for those 3 fruits only, test as frequently as you can. Bananas fit with honey, honey goes well with oats, oats and honey are exceptionally nutritious. Like just about anything else, preparing smoothies is something of an art; in order to make the perfect one you ought to learn a lot.

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?   Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies   

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